Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I have just received a BLOG AWARD from my friend Sarah (&Mike in Houston, TX)!

Here are the rules:
1. thank the person who gave you the award
2. share ten things about yourseld
3. pass this award on to ten bloggers you think are fantastic!
4. and contact them to let them know you have AWARDED them!

10 Random Facts
1. I wish I knew how to blog better, the templates/tools confuse me sometimes.
2. Like Sarah, I too am afraid of flying. Mia (our dog) has been certified as my "emotional needs pet" and flies with me to help ease the anxiety.
3. I have started (trying) to write a book about being married to someone in a medical residency. Its not all fun and games, unlike the stereotypes.
4. I love camping, except for the bug bites.
5. I am a TV addict, I can't sit still on the couch and watch TV, but I like to have it on while I do other productive things.
6. Mike & Sarah's traveling is inspiring to me :) thanks for the awesome blogs about your trip!
7. I am a much nicer person in the afternoon if I take a 30min-1hour nap :) or longer...
8. Since I was a baby, I only sleep well in MY OWN BED
9. The newest craft expedition is getting some scrapbooks made. I just feel like I have no clue so I havent started yet. I've heard to start small, so I'll try it that way.
10. I LOVE frozen yogurt! The only kind I know of in Syracuse is Yogen Fruz ? and its a probiotic kind, not the tastiest all the time but probably healthier than the other frozen yogurts.

Ok, thats it for me! YOUR TURN!!


1. Jessica Gran (sister)
2. Babyhoot
3. The Engar Family
4. The Kelm Family
5. The Hein Family

1 comment:

Life On Maple Lane said...

Great job!! I'm glad to know at least one person reads our blog!