Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lucy is here to STAY!

the two sisters take a nap together. one of the sweetest, melt-your-heart moments yet!
lucy loves her wubby and her chewies

and she is like mia, a great napper!

asleep again!


born to her mommy and daddy, Paco and Chica Maria Louisa Chikita Gussena

at birth she was the size of two lighters

birthday- July 18th, 2011

When we brought her home Friday September 16, 2011

she was weighing in at 2lbs 9oz

NOW, a week later, she is up a full pound to 3lbs 4 oz.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

twenty 6

mia was afraid of the candles
ta da! teeny tiny birthday cake! so cute!

happy birthday tina!

I love this puppy!

the last butzenfest

all the pretty ladies came to party ;)
it was so hot, even the doggies were drinking

they really wanted me to take a photo of their coordinating aviators...

BK had fun, lets just leave it at that :)

why I love mia

she lets me squeeze her
she looks adorable when she chews on her "wubbie" aka bitty blankie from BABYHOOT!

she loves to snuggle with her wubbie

and most of all, she looks so sweet when she sleeps... which is all the time!